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10 Of The Funniest Christmas Jumpers On Instagram

Happy Christmas Jumper Day 2017! We’ve piled up all of the best festive jumpers from the selfie-loving community of Instagram – which one is your favourite?

The Savvy Shopper

Christmas is an expensive time of the year. It’s time to save some those pennies and head over to the value section at Tesco’s.

The alternative crimbo lover

Slap some bauballs on your beard, wear an indie jumper with the words ‘Merry Christmas’ and you’ll have yourself a limited edition alternative elf.


Please don’t Pull

Hey-ho to instructional Christmas jumpers. Just keep your hands to yourself.

Make Jumpers Great Again

The designers of this jumper could have picked a jollier picture of Mr Trump… or not.

But uncle…

We don’t recommend wearing this one around children at Christmas family gatherings.

Or around anyone. Anywhere.

The walking Christmas pudding

One potato, two potato, chug. Three potato, four potato… coach potato.

The Do-it-Yuleself Jumper

DIY your way to a unique Christmas jumper. At least you’ll be the only one with that design – however good or bad.

The luxury option

When you’d rather do your food shopping at Waitrose but Tesco’s is closer…

In case you need more cheese on that cauliflower

Here’s a stinkin’ cheesy Christmas jumper. But it will definitely put a smile to any passby.

Be bold. Be Turkey.

It’s a bit of a radical movement but why not ditch the jumpers and just be a blown up broccoli?