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Survey shows over 70% of students don’t think university courses are value for money

Nearly 75% of Canterbury Christ Church University students surveyed say they are not getting value for their course.

In a poll of 412 students, 306 stated that the fees they are charged each year aren’t giving them what they expect from their degree.

221 (72.22%) said that the lack of teaching hours was the biggest issue, while 68 (22.22%) claimed that the content in the course itself wasn’t helping them to develop enough.

The remaining 17 students believed that the facilities are the biggest issue, of which all were technological.

Jack Bee is a Film, Radio and Television student, and believes his course is definitely giving him value for money.

He said: “As a film student I feel as if I am receiving great value for the price of my course with the industry standard equipment provided to us.

“Things such as the Black Magic Usra Mini-Pro cameras and Avid Media Composer editing program to name just a few.”

Some students want more teaching hours. Credit: velkr0

Leonardo Pincin is a third-year combined honours student studying film and applied criminology.

He said: “I feel like the value for money is not really optimal. I am only willing to pay it because as a combined honours student I will get two degrees.

“I am mostly aiming to get the document itself as opposed to the knowledge that the courses provide.

“Honestly, most of the technical skills that I was supposed to gain through the modules I had already learned online.

“However, when it comes to the practical training it would not have been possible without the equipment provided by the university.”

Simona Piesova is also a third-year combined honours student.

She added: “I’d say it depends on the course. If you study with very expensive equipment that you would not normally get to deal with, it’s quite worth it to invest, especially when we get a budget.

“However, that’s only in the third year even though you pay the same amount of tuition each year. It would only make sense that you get the same advantages if you pay the same amount.

“In computing, you don’t really need to invest a lot of money to learn as most of the software we use is free. So I think it should cost less.”

Facilities are expensive but can be worth it long-term.

A university spokesperson for CCCU, said: “The University is committed to continuously enhancing the experience of all of our students.

“We are pleased that this year’s National Student Survey (NSS) showed that 82% of students are satisfied overall with the University and 84% of students are also satisfied with teaching on their course.

“Through the results of student surveys such as the NSS and the UK Engagement Survey, our students are given an important opportunity to voice their opinions and views, and we are able to ensure that we provide a positive learning experience that is responsive to the needs of current and future students.”


Other students have spoken about whether they feel their course gives them value for money.