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Canterbury Mosque takes a stand to unite city after Christchurch attack

Canterbury Mosque combined with Kent Islamic student union have come together in light of the recent Christ Church attack to bring their Friday prayer service out to the public.

The service consisting of both a sermon and a prayer will take place in front of Venue on University of Kent’s campus, and will start at 1:15pm.


Canterbury Mosque’s Imam Ihsan khan, told The Canterbury Hub, why taking this stance as a Mosque is so crucial.

“It will set an example to the rest of the world by showing how the residents of Canterbury are one big family no matter what race/religion/colour they are.”

Credit – The Canterbury Mosque


This comes soon after the terror attack in ChristChurch New Zealand, in which 50 people lost their lives after a massacre at two mosques.

The gunman Brenton Harris Tarrant, who live streamed his attack, was charged with murder on Saturday morning and is still the only person to be arrested over the attack.

“It will set an example to the rest of the world by showing how the residents of Canterbury are one big family no matter what race/religion/colour they are.”

After this heartrending slaughter, Khan highlights why it is important to come together, he added:

“I do believe it will unite people and educate people about learning to live with people who are different from us because we share more similarities than differences.”

At the service, Canterbury’s public will also get to hear from locals and VIPs, who will be holding speeches and there will also be a chance to stand against terrorism by brandishing placards. The Mosque is also hosting refreshments after, so there will be a chance to go along and socialise.

Khan who is eager to bring together as many people as possible, posted the open invite in the Canterbury Residents Group.


Previous Imam Dr. Khalaf Albalwi and current Imam Ihsan Khan. Credit – The Canterbury Mosque

“We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. This is an example to the whole world once again that no matter how hard these bigots and extremists try to divide our communities we simply will not be divided. Rather we will unite stronger than ever before.”


The demonstration will take place this Friday, at Venue on University of Kent, at 1:15pm.