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Dairy organisations have now gathered together to answer questions on the ongoing Milk contamination crisis that is engulfing the UK today.

Seven organisations that have attended include: UK Dairies, Wintrose, National Union for Farmers, Miller Milk Group, Masda, Action for Farmers and the Department for Dairy and Farming are all on the panel to answer questions from the press.

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14:30 – Action for farmers have not attened the press conference.

Q: Could whats happened today be deadly for the people that are involed?

UK Dairies – We haven’t yet heard any serious effects of the problem, but we  are  looking into this still.

14:33 – Action for farmers have now arrived to the press conference.

14:34Miller Milk Group: We don’t know whether it’s deadly.

14:34: – James Hind from the BBC – Can the public rely on the NUF to deliver quality milk?

NUF: Absolutely, the events that have hapepned today are tragic but are rare. We’ve sent people around the company to ensure this doesn’t happen.

14:35: – Alicia Lloyd from BBC Radio to Wintrose – You cou;dn’t confirm the safety of your products? Can you now confirm the products on your shelves are safe?

Wintrose: Absoultely.The shipment that was contaminated, we’re working endlessly to ensure that it is safe.

14:38 – James Hind to MASDA – Earlier today MASDA told customers to get rid of products but assured their products were safe?

Wintrose: Our main goal is to keep the consumers safe. We are now urging customers to bin all currently products they have brought as we cannot confirm that they are safe.

14:41-  Who is to blame for this? Directed to AFF:

AFF: We’ve conducted research and we have pin pointed that the problem is down to the animal feed. Animal feed is a value cost and contaminated at the moment.

14:44 – Sonny Snelling from the BBC to Wintrose – How has physical contamination happened on your watch?

Wintrose: It hasn’t happened on our watch, it was a rogue employee.

Miller: We have a 28 day period to turn round our investigation into the milk contamination. As of right now we have no idea, we are taking steps to ensure customers are safe.

Sonny: There are a number of facts including money that contribute to the contamination of milk?

Miller: I wouldn’t say that money is a problem.

NUF: I know that farmers under my watch don’t want to put their lives on the line with the fall in the Euro and EU subsidees. Risking public health is not what we do.

Alicia Lloyd: UK Dairy – earlier you could not pinpoint the problem with your contamination?

UK Dairy – We are still ongoing investigations but we always check our products to assure there is no contamination.

Lloyd: MASDA – your products on shelves were fine to drink, what steps have you taken?

We’ve stopped the product coming into stores and have stopped putting the product on shelves. We have now spot checks and are awaiting results from the investagtions.

Lloyd: You can’t exclusively say that there is no blame on your end?

MASDA: No, you can’t.

Lily: What measures have you taken at UK Dairy?

UK Dairy: There has been possible implications that have been overlooked. This will be a learning curve to prevent any possible contamination.

Lily: This is a pretty serious learning curve. Should the measures not have been put in place beforehand?

UK Daily: Yes I completely agree. It’s from the supply end of the animal feed. All of our procedures are correct.

AFF: to UK Dairy – They said it has been lead back to animal feed. Result of our investigation shows that it was from feed.

UK Dairy: I want to reiterate, our best interest is from the farmers and we want to protect the farmers. The animal feed is out of our control.

AFF: We can directly contact the suppliers and send them off for testing.

Caitlin: You confirmed earlier that your products were unsafe but didn’t remove them from your shelves? Was this to save face?

MASDA: Absolutely not, at the time that is all we knew and we took the appropriate actions to which we thought were necessary.

Sonny: You walked off camera earlier after making a statement, are you taking this seriously?

AFF: I wouldlike to take the chance to apologise if we came off in a rude way. It is a stessful time for the company.

Caitlin: Your company director has been commiting 1.5million of fraud, why wasn’t this something you addressed?

Wintrose: We  have been looking into this, and we haven’t chose to say anything until we fully know the facts.

Caitlin: What can you do to redeem the reputation of your company?

Wintrose: We can only apologise to our customers. We are investigating the siutation currently.

Lily: You had a lot of backing from the public, do you think the public will be against you because you allowed this to happen?

NUF: Absolutely not, it is more likely we will be backed and the need to increase pay for the farmers and assure the safe standards of our products.

AFF: The government needs to intervene and impose minimum pricing. It’s the most safeway to safeguard peoples lives in this country.

Sonny: Does anyone know where this feed has come from or the name of it?

AFF:It’s a matter of health and safety, it needs to be dealt with in a suitable way.

Kellog’s farm natural feed up in Linconshire.

NUF: Farmers are being forced to buy this feed, it’s up to the government to help these farmers. What is being done to help this?