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6 Reasons You Need To See Captain America: Civil War

By Sonny Snelling.

With Marvels new blockbuster hitting the screen this week. There are six reasons why you need to see this great film.

1.)It has all your favourite heroes.

The list includes. Captain America, Iron Man, Spider Man, War Machine, Vision, Black Panther, Black Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Ant Man, Hawkeye, and Scarlet Witch.


2.)New introductions

With one new hero and one revamped returning hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).  The first is Black Panther who has his own film on the horizon. He was well introduced with a slick suit and great powers. I am really looking forward to his future film. There is also the small matter of the returning Spider Man who is younger and funnier than ever; Spider Man: Homecoming will be another marvel success.

Chadwick Boseman stars as new hero Black Panther.

3.)The action scenes are spectacular

The highlight is the airport scene where all our heroes face off against each other. The final scene where Cap and Iron Man face off is also another jaw droping moment.

4.)Storyline is top notch

Amidst all the action the story line is well thought out and makes sense. Other super hero films are lost in the action and their story lines are poorly written but Civil War has something to think about and a question to consider.

Marvel have done it again and made one of their best films.


The Winter Solider kills Tony Stark’s parents and this is what fuels the final battle between our favourite characters.

6.)Where does this leave the MCU?

The next film in the MCU is Doctor Strange, but we look forward to a Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Thor Ragnarok, Black Panther, Spider Man: Homecoming and another 2 Avengers films yet to be titled.

A must see film for all audiences Captain America: Civil War is out globally today.