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Charity says Homelessness Reduction Act does not work

Porchlight, a charity based in Kent and the South East, has issued a statement saying that the Homeless Reduction Act is not working.

The Homelessness Reduction Act, introduced in April 2018, puts a legal duty on local councils to prevent people from becoming homeless and to offer help to all homeless people, regardless of priority need.

But, according to a report by the Local Government Association, cash-strapped councils are struggling to meet the costs of these extra measures.

The report said that limited access to affordable housing and lack of suitable accommodation for people who are sleeping rough is a serious concern for 91 per cent of councils.

Furthermore, the excessive paperwork required by the Act is costing councils too much in administration costs and are hampering their ability to meet the needs of people at risk of homelessness.

Porchlight says in order to make real changes; local councils need proper funding investment.

A spokesman for porchlight said, “Even with sufficient funding, the act will not work on its own. Until the government starts tackling the underlying issues around homelessness, people will continue to be forced into poverty and onto the streets.”

There are currently 1,447 homeless people in Kent, a 17 per cent increase in the last 10 years.

Credit: Kent County Council

According to data released by Kent County Council, of the 1,447 homeless people, 1,105 are in temporary accommodation, an increase of 505 people since 2015

Credit: Kent County Council

For more information visit the Porchlight Website

Read more from The Canterbury Hub: City church hosts push-up fundraiser for homeless charity