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Fire started at hotel in Deal

A cigarette butt sparked a fire at a hotel in Deal.

Firefighters were called out to The Royal Hotel in Deal after the blaze was started in one of the balcony rooms.

The crew ripped up the floorboards in the Nelson room, which was only refurbished in January along with the other balcony rooms.

Lauren Harris who works at the hotel said: “The firemen think it was a cigarette that started the fire under the floor boards, they arrived at around 5 and were gone by 6. The fire caused damage to the newly refurbished rooms causing the firemen to rip up the floor boards.

James Finch from the fire services said: “It was a very small fire on one of the balcony’s, we think it was started from a cigarette butt but were unable to ascertain how it started.”

The firemen put out the fire and nobody was harmed.