
Kent Police Launch Christmas Drink & Drug Campaign

Officers are urging motorists to enjoy the festivities responsibly as they launch the latest crackdown on drink and drug driving.Starting on 1 December, the Christmas enforcement initiative seeks to identify and prosecute motorists who are impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Specialist officers from Kent’s Road Policing team will be targeting motorists through the use of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and will also be working alongside local officers, using their local knowledge to target suspected drink/drug drivers across the county.
They will utilise static road checks on sections of road where they believe they are most likely to catch drink/drug drivers and where there have been road traffic collisions in which alcohol or drugs was a contributory factor.Officers will breath test motorists who have committed moving traffic offences or who they suspect by the manner of their driving are doing so while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Specially trained officers will be conducting field impairment tests (FIT) and roadside drug swipes to detect motorists driving under the influence of drugs.
Motorists caught breaking the law will be arrested, charged and put before the courts.Last year officers arrested 125 people during the campaign.

Sergeant Ben Brennan from the Kent Police’s Roads Policing Unit said: ‘We want people to have fun and enjoy the festive season but to do so safely. That means not driving at all if you have been drinking any amount of alcohol, no matter how small, or if you are impaired by prescription or illegal drugs.

‘Every year innocent motorists and pedestrians are put at risk from people who think it is acceptable to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs; this campaign is about telling people it is not acceptable. We are passionate about changing bad driving behaviour on our roads to protect all those that use them. We want all the people of Kent and visitors to the county to have a safe and happy Christmas which is why we don’t make allowances for anyone driving whilst under the influence and why we have these campaigns.”

For more information about the dangers of drink/drug driving click here: