The Canterbury Hub

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‘Secret garden’ to host free weekly communal gardening sessions next month

A company in Canterbury has a new project in the works for locals looking to socialise and learn some gardening skills.

HavenWeb is a Community Interest Company dedicated to bringing people together through organised sessions of communal gardening.

The company has set up a new garden for future gatherings, though its location is currently being kept secret until Sunday, May 5, when the first session will be held from 10 am to 1 pm.

Executive Director Maria Rampaouni explained that the garden’s secrecy is piqueing people’s interest.

“People are excited, and they want to know more. I think the suspense, that the location is still unknown, is driving that curiosity,” she says.


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She did provide a rough estimate of the location, however, for those who want to know whether or not they can attend. The garden is an eight-minute walk from the High Street’s Lloyds Bank.

“If you come, you will see it’s a very obscure place — but that’s the fun of it!” Maria explains.

After the reveal, the garden will be open for weekly sessions every Sunday over the summer.

The garden is a work-in-progress, and Maria plans to build and improve it over time.

“What we want to do is slowly change the space into a productive green garden,” she says.

“We want to start with one bed and plant a few things because there are a few things that need construction.

“I’m sure that we’re going to do something amazing. And it’s going to have better results than people expect.”

To be alerted to the secret garden’s location on May 5, you can register your contact details on the HavenWeb website. You can also follow HavenWeb on Facebook and Instagram.

Header image provided by the HavenWeb Facebook page.