New rules introduced for bikes and e-scooters on the high street
Last week a rule was enforced by Kent Police and Enforcement Officers from Canterbury City Council about people riding and driving e-scooters in the Canterbury high street.
Between Monday 26th and Thursday 29th April around 170 cyclists which include takeaway delivery drivers and 30 people on their privately owned electric scooters were informed about the new rules in line.
“Those rules are there to make sure the city centre remains a lovely place to visit and to keep everyone, especially pedestrians safe.”
People were reminded that bikes and electric scooters are banned in the pedestrian zones between 10:30m to 4pm.
Others that were targeted were delivery drivers who have been abandoning their vehicles to collect food, those driving in the high street and those who had parked poorly.

Douglas Rattray, Head of Safer Neighbourhoods at Canterbury City Council states “Those rules are there to make sure the city centre remains a lovely place to visit and to keep everyone, especially pedestrians safe.
“While the council’s Enforcement officers can take action against poor parking and help educate the public about the rules, Kent Police officers have the power to stop cyclists and those on e-scooters and make them walk.”
Inspector Guy Thompson, of the Canterbury Community Safety Unit mentions that electric scooters have the same legal requirements as other motor vehicles. He goes on to say that only the rental scooters are legal in certain locations in the UK where government trials are being held.
The e-scooters trial in the UK is organised by the Department for Transport to help gather evidence so they can decide whether the e-scooters need legalising.