The Canterbury Hub

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The Thomas Ingoldsby are doing fundraisers throughout December

The Thomas Ingoldsby located in Canterbury are raising money throughout December for charity, as well as hosting fundraiser events until the 22nd December.

They will be collecting toys for all ages, which will then be delivered to East Kent hospital for their nurseries and children’s wards. If enough donations are made they will be expanding to give the toys to charities, such as women’s refugee centres or charities that can benefit from the donations.

Donations can include toddler/baby toys, books, DVDS, teddies and vouchers for different ages.

Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash

Event coordinator, Emma Smith, said: ‘This is the first year trying something like this but we wanted to do something to make a difference for our local community that everyone can get involved with. Every child deserves to smile at Christmas, which is what we aim to help happen. Even the smallest toys can make the biggest difference. The staff are all enthusiastic to get involved and we are hoping to spread that enthusiasm to our customers and the community.”

On the 16th and 17th of December they will also be hosting charity community events at the pub to raise money for the charity CLIC Sargent, who support young people with cancer.

”We help them thrive, not just survive.”

JD Wetherspoon is a corporate partner to the charity with each pub doing all they can to contribute and help with fundraising efforts.

Photo by on Unsplash

On Sunday, it will be a festive day for the family featuring Santa’s Grotto which will include arts and crafts from 9am-11pm and a performance by talented children. Santa will be visiting from 3pm, which will result in a wish, picture, a personalised letter and a gift.

On Monday the 17th, the staff members will be braving wax strips and razors for a head shave and a wax. The pub will host a charity auction with various prizes at the end.

To top it all off, they will be hosting a Christmas quiz for the adults at 8:30pm which will cost £2 at the door with lots of prizes to be won.

Emma Smith added: ”Last year, The Thomas Ingoldsby raised £250 with its Christmas events but this year, the aim is a total of £1000 to really make a difference for the charity.”

”JD Wetherspoon has raised over £15Million for CLIC and the Thomas Ingoldsby want to do all we can to continue raising money for such a worthwhile cause.”
To arrange a donation on a day for delivery or to ask more information about an event email