The Canterbury Hub

Latest news from CCCU's Journalism course

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Thursday’s Top Stories

McDonalds Caught Short

The golden arches have gained notoriety for being one of the good, clean and easily accessible toilets in the country, but they’ve changed their tune now in this city.

Rt Honourable John Bercow Talks To Sold Out Crowd

Not a headline I thought I would be writing this morning. The Speaker of the House of Commons has appeared at an interesting venue.

Rise In Xanax Prescriptions Explained

An interesting new ‘craze’ being set by rappers is having an extremely detrimental effect.

Sugar Tax Sees Favourite Cereals Lose Up To 40%

Kellogg’s are the first cereal brand to come out and say they are going to lower their sugar after the implementation of new taxes on sugar.


New Residents Move In To Find They Aren’t The Only Housemates

Rodents have been spotted in a Canterbury Christ Church University students new home.



First Snow “Underwhelming”

The first snow has fallen on Canterbury, we got some reactions on the “17 flakes” that fell.

Village Hall In Dire Straits

Local variety company raise money to save the village hall.



Local Drag Queen Welcomes Gender Neutral Changing Rooms

The always wonderful, Delilah Tickles, has praised a large chain retail clothing store on their new changing rooms policy.



School Stress Skills

Find out some ways to deal with stress while at school.



New Study Shows Link To Contraceptive Causing Depression

Researchers in Denmark have found a link between the contraceptive pill and depression in young women.