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Could The Lack Of Participation Be Due To The Rising Cost of Sport

Sport England figures show that 58% of people across England want to participate in sport, but only 36.1% do.

Adding to this, the continuous figures of 16-25 year-olds, Sport England are becoming increasingly concerned. Youth sport appears to be in decline, and it’s not showing any sign of improvement.

In a press release, Jennie Price, chief executive of Sport England said, “The figures show the huge importance of investing to tackle inactivity and the inequalities between different groups in society”

Sport England is a public body with a vision that everyone in England should feel able to take part in sport or activity, regardless of age, background or ability.

The lack of participation could be due to the increasing costs of sport, especially for those at university. In a recent survey, 75% of people said that they do not get involved in sports due to how expensive it is.

Do you think sport is expensive?

Melissa Selwood, a student at Loughborough University said, “I used to be so active, but I’m not anymore because the prices were too expensive. I had to pay £60 to train once a week and I wouldn’t even participate in games because I’m not good enough. It just wasn’t worth my time or money.”

Increased funding and grants should be put in place for youth sports, but Kelly Simmons, director of participation and development said, “Our insight work tells us some want more flexibility and less time commitment.”

Sport England need to come up with new strategies to help increase participation, otherwise we’ll see these figures going into decline.