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Euros 2024: Pubs allowed to stay open until 1am on one condition

The UEFA Euro 2024 is scheduled to kick off June 14th which means it is not long until we soak up the lively atmosphere in the pubs.

Today, pubs were given the green light to stay open until 1am if England or Scotland get into the semi-finals.

EUROS 2024

The City Arms in Butchery Lane, Canterbury, that serves a variety of dishes will be showing the games.

Alex, who is a member of staff there, says he liked the idea and agreed it would help the with business.

He said: “We would definitely serve a lot more drinks because England’s playing.”


Photo credit Felicity Burrington.

The Drapers Arms on Sun Street is popular with university students and popular for its quirky interior will be showing the games.

Manager Johnny was keen on the idea of keeping the pub open late for the Euros.

Photo credit Felicity Burrington.

“Having just found out about the idea I think it’s a really good idea if were allowed to,” he said.

“I know that especially in the city here the residents are a big issue for licensed premises. I think it’s them who’s most likely going to be affected, for us it’s just going to be extra training.”

He added his staff are mostly students looking to earn extra money so would not mind a few extra hours over a short period of time.

He also acknowledged concerns about noise and disruption but believes that managed late-night operations can be positive for Canterbury.

“I think the football crowd always have a bad stigma about being loud and drunk, but we find, particularly in the venue here, that the type of clientele we have they tend to be not too crazy but, also football crowds in general they tend to be seen as big drinking crowds,” he added.

“Actually, they tend to get a pint, drink half get another pint half time and the minute the game is finished, they’re gone.”

Photo credit Felicity Burrington.

The Cricketers in Canterbury, located by the station on St Peter’s Street, license allows them to open until 1am already.

The manager has said he would be happy to stay open until 1am yet nothing has been confirmed yet.

Photo credit Felicity Burrington.

The Chimneys, a cosy popular spot located in Repton Park in Ashford, will be showing the games.

Photo credit google street view.

The landlady said: “It doesn’t affect my license as it’s quite late but I won’t be opening late on Sundays.”

However, some pubs are already deciding not to go ahead with this idea for various reasons like crowd control and having the staffs availability.

Singleton Barn known for its traditional pub dishes in Ashford will be airing the games for punters too.

Photo credit google street view.

Staff have said that they are not bothered if they stay open until 1am as they usually get out about this time anyway. They feel that the idea will give fans more time to celebrate along with the pub making more business.

Bosses at Staplehurst pub, the Kings Head on the high street, have said that they most likely won’t open until 1am.

Credit google street view.

Local punter of The Kings Head Samuel Best, said: “I guess it doesn’t really matter if the pub doesn’t shut a bit later as long as I can watch the game but, in the summer, it would be quite fun.”

The Euros is set to be held in Germany this year.

Featured image credit Oli Picton.


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