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10 ways to shop sustainably

Whether you’re shopping for food, clothes or beauty – there’s always a way you can shop sustainably to help the environment.

So here is a helpful list of 10 ways to shop sustainably…

1: Shop in charity shops

Source: Unsplash

Charity shops are all about recycling old clothes to help reduce the amount of clothes thrown away. Clothes that are simply chucked in the bin often end up in landfills. Donating your old clothes to charity shops is a good way to be sustainable. Plus you might find a hidden gem in a charity shop.

2: Use reusable bags

Source: Evie Calder on Unsplash

This has been a big campaign for a several years now. Shops now charge for plastic bags where they used to be free. No matter what you are shopping for, using reusable bags is the first port of call when you’re looking to shop sustainably.

3: Meat free Mondays

Source: Unsplash

This one may come as a surprise, but having a meat free meal is a great way to be sustainable. Meat consumes more resources than than vegetables do. So, swapping out meat for veggies once a week is a step forward in being sustainable. Next time you are in the shop about to buy a meat product, consider how you could make the meal vegetarian and give it a go! You might surprise yourself.

4: Don’t buy from fast fashion brands

Rio Lecatompessy on Unsplash

Fast fashion is a deadly thing when it comes to trying to be sustainable. Supporting fast fashion brands is really bad for the environment because when it comes to fast fashion, speed is of the essence. This means being eco-friendly when making clothing is not a top priority. More retailers are showcasing how they work to be sustainable. Some brands have even released ranges of sustainable garments. To find out exactly what fast fashion is click here.

5: Ditch plastic packaging

Source: Unsplash

While some brands opt for sustainable packaging, not all do. So, try your best to only buy products which are not packed in plastic – unless it is recyclable plastic! Following this, use reusable containers for products such as; shampoo, conditioner, hand wash and body wash. In the long run this is cheaper as plastic packaged items are more expensive than refills. Plus, you’re not only being sustainable while shopping, but also at home!

6: Use reusable cups

Source: Unsplash

Did you know, 2.5 billion paper cups are used every year in the UK. That’s almost 5000 cups being discarded every minute. So, as an incentive to get more customers to use a reusable cup, a lot of coffee shops are offering money off the price of the drink if customers bring their own cup. Most coffee shops offer reusable cups which customers can buy. When it comes to choosing a reusable cup, try and find one that is made out of a sustainable material such as bamboo. Reduce waste by using a reusable cup!

7: Use reusable straws / paper straws

Source: Unsplash

Plastic straws have stopped being used in almost all cafes, restaurants and bars and now paper straws are a thing of the future. Although paper has not proved to be the best material for straws, it is better than plastic. If you want to try and go that extra mile, you can buy metal straws. This also means your straw will not go soggy!

8: Walk or ride to the shops

Source: Christin Hume on Unsplash

We’re all about getting our 10,000 steps in, so why not walk to the shops! We all know that cars give out green house gases which are bad for the environment. So, when you are off to the shops try and walk or ride a bike if you can.

9: Reduce food waste

Source: Unsplash

Wasted food means wasted resources – all of the time, energy and resources used to make the food as well as package and transport it is wasted. Similarly, food you throw away will end up in landfill where it breaks down in a way that can create greenhouse gases. To help reduce the amount of food you waste, plan your meals. Also if you can, freeze any leftovers or put them in the fridge to have for lunch the next day.

10: Support your local shop

Source: Unsplash

Believe it or not, but shopping locally is a great way to be sustainable. Shopping locally means the produce doesn’t have to be transported very far to get to the store. This means fuel isn’t used and fumes that are bad for the environment are not emitted. So, next time you are going to buy some food – try and get it from a local shop or farmers market rather than going to a big branded store.


Featured image source: Unsplash