The Canterbury Hub

Latest news from CCCU's Journalism course


Confirmed COVID-19 case at Hartsdown Academy

On Friday (March 12th),  Year 8 Hartsdown Academy students were sent home to self-isolate after a positive covid-19 case was confirmed.

Parents were contacted via a letter and asked to make sure their children now isolate for 10 days following the government guidelines.

Students returned to face-to-face classes last Monday (March 8th) although some schools in Kent are staggering start dates.

In a letter to parents/carers headteacher, Matt Tate said: “We have been made aware that we have a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in year 8 at Hartsdown.”

Mr. Matthew Tate, Headteacher at Hartsdown Academy. (Image:

“In line with the national guidance affected children must stay at home and self-isolate until  March 21.”

If they are well at the end of the 10 days period of self-isolation, they can return to usual activities, including attending school –from Monday, March 22.

It is understood there are also positive cases at King Ethelbert’s and Minster Primary School although this is yet to be confirmed.

Pupils can either get tests at school, or they can be ordered online or parents/carers can pick up the home tests – a maximum of two boxes containing seven tests each per time – at Margate and Manston testing sites. Both are open 1.30 pm- 8 pm every night for the collection of home test kits.”