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Closure order for flat blighted by anti-social behaviour is extended

Police officers in Sittingbourne have successfully banned anyone trying to enter a flat in town plagued by anti-social behaviour.

A continuation of a previous public closure order was granted at the Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 24th November 2022. The building in Oak Road, Murston has been linked to consistent and repeated threats and harassment to neighbours.

Now no one will be able to access the premises until Saturday 25th February 2023, while it was originally only meant to be from Friday 26th August 2022 to Friday 25th November 2022.

Until this time, entering the building could attract a fine and up to 51 weeks in prison.

Local officers have ensured that the housing association-owned property remains secured against any authorised entry with a heavy iron door and a sign on the door warning it is an offence to go in.

PC Jamie Spencer of the Swale Community Safety Unit said: ‘Tackling anti-social behaviour remains an absolute priority for us, as these types of issues can make peoples lives a misery and have a profound negative impact on the local community.’


Feature image: Kent Police.