
Ashford road closure causing Christmas chaos

The A2070 in Ashford near Orbital Park has been causing havoc on and off for the last 6 months.

On the 3rd of December the road closed again due to roadworks and has left residents of Ashford furious this time.

With the road still remained shut its creating queues all over the town all day long, Ashford even went into gridlock last night during rush hour meaning traffic everywhere and stand still in some points.


A business owner Anna Lockyer from Finberry has been affected by the situation and said:

“Due to the road closure, it has taken me an hour and a half to get my children to school. This is resulting in them being woken 1 hour and 15 mins before they need to be. Using extra fuel, sitting around for hours and losing business for my company”.

“Every time we have past the road closure 9am, 1pm, 5pm we have not seen a single worked, working on the drain cover.”

“The effect at this time of year has caused copious amounts of stress for myself, business and children”.

Another furious resident from Finberry in Ashford said:

“Journeys are taking an hour and a half when they should be taking 10 minutes. ”

The road is suppose to be back to normal by Mid January, with the Christmas holidays ahead it’s not looking like Ashford going to get less busy any time soon.

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