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January blues: How to conquer winter sadness

January is always depressing. It’s post-Christmas. You’re sluggish from all the food, you’ve got to go back to work/university, the weather is glum, deadlines are approaching and you may have over spent on Christmas and brought yourself into debt.

But fear not, these four tips are some ways to prepare yourself to hit January at your most optimistic.

1. Don’t set unrealistic New Year’s resolutions

According to a study conducted by the University of Scranton, only 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals

Too often we set goals we can’t achieve/commit to in the new year and we lose motivation all together. This could be anything from saying you’ll go gym 5 days a week or saying you’ll save half your wages every month! Some things just aren’t realistic.

2. Go outside

Lake District

Exposure to sunlight has been proven to make us happier! Although SAD (seasonal affective disorder) isn’t directly related to January Blues, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go out and enjoy the cold crisp air.

Along with getting sunlight you’ll be exercising by walking which releases happy hormones (serotonin) which will boost your mood, while also clearing your your mind, and preparing to reflect. Doing these steps will be able to relax and prepare you to take on any other tasks of the day.

3. Get off your phone!

It’s not new information that using your smart phone and social media brings you down. It may be that you see your friends/family get ‘nicer’ Christmas presents than you, that they’re on holiday for New Years Eve and seeing that online is a reminder that you’re ‘missing out’ on the fun.

4. Plan a holiday

Warm weather and sunlight is proven to lighten your mood.

This one may sound expensive, but in January, holiday providers do massive sales on package holidays. Doing this gives you something to look forward too, because we all know just after Christmas break, there just seems to be 3 more long cold gloomy months.

‘What even are January Blues?’ You might be asking. Canterbury Christ Church University’s Head of Communications, Ruth Wood explained why we might get January Blues.

If you are struggling this January, Canterbury Christ Church University has created a winter wellbeing page!