The Canterbury Hub

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Kent children doing small things to make a big difference

Across Kent, lots of children are fundraising and busy making gifts for NHS staff and the vulnerable in the community.

Two brothers, Bradley and Harrison Thompson from Hartley are raising money for NHS key workers by doing a bicycle ride.

They will be riding the distance from Jon a Groats to Lands End and back by doing 4,370 laps of Woodlands park. The boys will start their ride on 7 May.

All money raised will be donated to the Blue Nose charity, a new charity which started up to aid the Covid-19 pandemic. The charity raises money for all key workers and the NHS.

The boys have a Just Giving page, as they aim to hit their target of £500.

2 brothers in Kent are riding their bikes for charity!

Bradley and Harrison are just one example of what the children of Kent are doing to support the NHS.

Rosie-May Kite, age 9, from Gravesend has also been busy creating plant pots for her the elderly that live local to her.

The young girl created several plant pots and wrote a note on them to deliver to the vulnerable and elderly who live locally.

The message on the pots says “This is an act of kindness” which is sure to brighten up anybody’s day, especially those who have not been able to leave their house for weeks.

Each plant had a personalised name tag to show the elderly that they are being thought of during these difficult times.


Young girl planting pots for the elderly!

Rosie’s mum Michelle Kite said: “Her flower pot mission was partly to do with Brownies and The Kent Children’s University where they get given different tasks and they can choose what they want to do.

“We have quite a few elderly neighbours where we live as well as a care home at the bottom of the road, so it was a lovely thing for her to do.”

Activities for children during the pandemic not only encourages them to keep busy, but also allows them to ask questions about Covid-19 that may help them to understand what is going on.

Mya Lewis from Dartford has been making keyrings for the NHS fund. The eight-year-old girl has raised £150 for the charity through sales of her keyrings alone.

Mya has been busy making keyrings to raise money for the NHS!

These are just a few examples of the wonderful things children in Kent are doing for the NHS charities. In a time like this, it just goes to show that even the small contributions make a huge difference.


Infographic explaining some elements of the Covid-19 pandemic and how you can do your bit to help (self made).