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Latest figures on crime in Folkestone so far this year ranked: from best area to worst

Folkestone is becoming an increasingly popular place for Londoners to relocate to. Known for being an art town and for its popular attractions such as the Creative Quarter, the Quarterhouse and the Leas Cliff Hall, it still has its fair share of crime. Here are the areas ranked from best to worst for reported crimes using the latest figures published by Kent Police.

1. Foord road

The area which has seen the least amount of crime reported so far this year is Foord Road. Latest figures show an increase in reported crimes in this area, from 52 reported crimes in December 2020 to 72 in January 2021. Anti-Social behaviour was the most common reported crime, followed by violence and sexual offences.

2. Folkestone Harbour

Folkestone Harbour has had the second least reported crimes in Folkestone, with 104 so far this year. This number shows a decrease in crime from December 2020, with December seeing a total of 117 reported crimes. The most common crimes that were reported were violent and sexual crimes followed by anti-social behaviour.

3. Cheriton

Cheriton has seen an increase in reported crimes, with the latest figures showing that 116 crimes were reported in January 2021 compared to December 2020 where 88 crimes were reported. Violent and sexual crime were the most common, followed by anti-social behaviour.

4. Folkestone Park

Folkestone Park, which is the area that stretches from the Park Farm industrial estate to Folkestone Central train station, saw an increase in reported crimes from 121 in January compared to 99 in December. The most common offense that was reported in the area was violent and sexual offences, followed by anti-social behaviour.

5. Folkestone East

Folkestone East has seen a decrease in reported crimes, with 133 crimes reported so far this year, compared to December which had 144. Violent and sexual offenses was the most common crime reported, then anti-social behaviour at second.

6. Sandgate

Sandgate has had a substantial increase in reported crime, 184 recorded incidents have so far been reported, compared to December which had 156. Anti-social behaviour was the most common reported crime, followed by Violence and sexual offences.

7. Morehall

The third worst area in Folkestone for reported crimes is Morehall, with 212 so far this year. Morehall’s crime rate has increased by 10 cases compared to the month of December. Violent and sexual offences were the most common, followed by anti-social behaviour.

8. Folkestone Harvey West

The runner up for the worst area in Folkestone for reported crimes is Folkestone Harvey West. 265 crimes have been reported in the area so far this year, compared the month prior which had 258 reported crimes. Violent and sexual offences were the most common, followed by anti-social behaviour.

9. Folkestone Harvey Central

The area with the greatest number of reported crimes in Folkestone is Folkestone Central, with 303 reported crimes so far this year. This is a significant decrease from the month December, which had 352 reported crimes, although it still takes the top spot for the worst areas for crime in Kent with violent and sexual crimes the most common and then anti-social behaviour.