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Paul Golding Angry Car Rant Responding to Nigel Farage

A five-minute video which appears to show Britain First leader Paul Golding ranting about Nigel Farage’s comments has been posted on Facebook.

In the angry video, Golding responded to Farage’s accusation calling Britain First a ‘Neo Fascist’ organisation, which Golding says are “absolutely outrageous claims”.

It was posted on the @OfficialBritainFirst Facebook page on Thursday night.

Mr Golding claims to be driving back from a hotel in Dartford.

In the video he said: “Nigel Farage right now is part of the left-wing media and is using their language.  He has gone native in the establishment that made him suffer for years on end.  It’s absolutely scandalous and I never thought I’d see the day when I condemn Nigel Farage in the most forthright terms I possibly can.  He is calling us Neo Fascists.”

A number of Facebook users called for Kent Police to investigate whether the video is legal as he is recording while driving.

A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Kent Police does not confirm or deny whether a named person is under investigation unless they have been charged with an offence.”

Watch the entire video here.