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10 times ‘Elf on the Shelf’ made you blush

We’ve all heard of Elf on the Shelf, but really how bad can he be? After all, he is just a sweet plush toy…

Try not to blush as you scroll through our collection of naughtiest elfie-selfies!

So, what do you think? Is he really all that bad or is he being made to look that way?

Courtesy of ‘abc’.

The Elf on the Shelf®: A Christmas Tradition includes a special Scout Elf sent from the North Pole to help Santa Claus manage his naughty and nice lists. When a family adopts a Scout Elf and gives it a name, the Scout Elf receives its Christmas magic and can fly to the North Pole each night to tell Santa Claus about all of the day’s adventures.Each morning, the Scout Elf returns to its family and perches in a different place to watch the fun. Children love to wake up and race around the house looking for their Scout Elf each morning. Click here to find a Scout Elf adoption centre near you!

Featured image courtesy of @elfontheshelf Twitter.