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Gardeners prepare for No Mow May

No Mow May is approaching and Kent’s Plan Bee newsletter explains how you can get involved.

This involves not mowing your lawn for the duration of the month with hope to encourage new flowers to grow and to attract more wildlife into gardens in the county.

The annual campaign by Plant Life is set to begin next week on the 29th April.

By leaving your grass to grow over the summer months, it encourages feeding and nesting of pollinators with the growth of garden and new species of flowers.

Kent’s Plan Bee aims to help pollinators and to ensure that their needs are considered throughout the work of Kent County Council.

On the Kent County Council Website, they have a monthly newsletter which provides information on what pollinators to look out for during the coming month, as well as looking at what has been happening in the local community throughout the month.

It includes information from the Bumblebee Trust which shows how you can increase the pollen for bees by planting your own fruit and vegetables as well as useful information about environmentally friendly gardening.

The pollinators include bumble bees, honey bees, wasps, mosquitos, hover-flies, beetles, butterflies and moths some of which have been in a decline for years.

There is also information on the Kent County Council website about how you can build bug hotels as a place for pollinators to shelter.

Kent Wildlife Trust have a guide on their website on how you can build a bug hotel, it can be found here: