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Young people and the EU referendum

Young people ‘could always be better informed’ says editor over a month before referendum votes are due to take place.

As June 23 looms, people around the country are facing one of the biggest decisions of their lifetimes. Young people especially, for the first time are getting the chance to vote on something affecting issues outside of their own country.

The latest polls show an almost 50:50 split between leaving and staying in the EU.

poll chart

Leo Whitlock, 40, who’s a part-time Politics, Law and Ethics tutor at Canterbury Christ Church University and the editor at the KM news group said: “Its difficult for young people to prioritise political issues as part of their lives because they have got so much going on as they are going though their education and starting out on their careers.

“its really important that they do try and get informed about life in general because the decisions made today really will effect them.”

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The last referendum on the UK’s membership to the European Union, which consists of 28 countries, was in 1975 where a ‘yes’ vote prevailed by 67.2% over 32.8% vote to leave.

Alfie Burns, a plumber, 20, from North Cottages in Hertfordshire said: “Young people know just as much as any other member of public.

“Everyone is exposed to the same news and media which is a big part of how people make their decision.”


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