5 things students struggle with when leaving university
Are you finding it hard to leave University? Here are 5 things that students found difficult when leaving in the past.
Jobs –

Looking for a job in general is not the easiest thing to do but, for University students this seems to be harder than people think.
Many students do not think about looking for a job until they know when their last assignments are due. Most of the time students will leave this task until the last minute making it harder to find a job in the industry that they dream to work in. Looking for a job early on in the year will allow you to apply to hundreds of jobs and will give you experience when it comes to applying for the dream you would love.
Not only is this task difficult for any University student, due to the Coronavirus pandemic looking for a job has made it 10 times harder as a lot of people were forced to be made redundant and are now out probably looking at the same job as you. You might feel like you cannot apply for this job as thousands have applied but, you never know you could be the correct candidate for that specific job.
Jobs at the moment state ‘experience is preferable’ or ‘experience required’. As a University student you might have the skills and knowledge that they require but have been unable to get the experience that is required. Although the experience is ‘preferable’ still apply for these jobs as they could potentially still train you up to the standards that they would like.
Completing University –

The pandemic managed to affect many students emotionally and physically as the Universities were forced to shut for one year. Not only has this affected students because they could not go in but, it had a huge affect on the way people had to learn.
Although online courses were being done, many students found it hard that their lectures were not face to face and this created a social problem between students and teachers. On the plus side students did not have to get dressed to attend their online lectures as many students used to sit in their pyjamas whilst on an audio call with the class.
Now that it is May, students have been finishing up their University work but, due to the Government’s rules most of the current year three’s have not been into University at all to finish their degree. This makes it very difficult for some people as they have not been able to see their lectures or friends to say ‘goodbye’.
Money –

Moving back home / Moving out –

Looking for a house/flat to rent after finishing University is not the easiest as you usually need a financially stable job to be approved for a house. On top of this worry you also will need a guarantor which is not as easy to find if your parents do not want to do it. Moving out of a student house is difficult because instead of paying for your rent every couple of months in bulk, you have to pay every month and you do not have student finance to rely on if you cannot pay the rent. Just make sure you always have a sufficient amount of money into your accounts so you can always afford your rent every month.
Having your own private space is amazing and luxurious until you realise that after University you might have to return back to your parents house to live in after finishing your degree. Instead of worrying about returning back home and having your space taken over you could ask your family to set some boundaries. The last time you probably lived at home would have been when you were a teenager and your parents would tell you off for not making the bed or for not tidying up. Instead of getting annoyed with each other you should have a chat with your family and discuss what you both expect from each other for example, how you will contribute financially to the bills.
Mental health –

For some, finishing University is really stressful and can cause people to feel anxious about their future. According to the website Graduate Coach, ‘experiencing depression after University is more common’ than people think.
Have you got the case of graduate blues? Then you are not alone! Many other graduates are all experiencing the same things and do not know what to do with their future after finishing University.
Many students express that they feel very lonely and depressed followed by struggling to find motivation to find a job. It can be tough as a lot of students expect to find a job really quickly but that just is not always the case. Not only is finding a job tough but having friends that have just graduated with a job lined up for them makes it harder for those without to feel successful or worthy.
If you are feeling anxious about finishing University then speak to your friends or the University about it and they will give you tips on how to secure a future. Another thing to do is to write down everything that you have achieved at University and what you would like to do in the future this way you are planning your life without you thinking too hard about the subject.